Category Archives: Toddlers

{Wordless Wednesday} Wanted: Mate


My name is Lonely Lue
Once upon a time I was one of two
At first I was fond of my new ly found single status
but I soon realized that I’m bad at this
being single thing, that is!
So if you see my better half
Can  you tell her to please come back?
Cause soon our  job over here will be through
and I want to go charity as two!

We seriously can’t find the mate to this shoe. It’s been missing in our apartment for two months! O_o

Happy Wordless Wednesday


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The Last Day

Today signifies the last of a few different things. Today’s the last day of my first-time ever participating in a blogathon (Post a Day in May). Today was also the last day of school for my children. It was the last day, of my oldest daughter being a middle-schooler. Much has been accomplished and many milestones surpassed, and I couldn’t be any prouder. Each of us feels accomplished in our own individual right.

Tomorrow ushers in a new month, it also bring news challenges along with it. Nothing will come that we cannot handle or at least to attempt to handle. For now though, we’re going to enjoy the fruits of all of our labor.

So long to the month of May 2012.

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If Only My Kids Would…..

Listen, hear and process the valuable lessons that are being handed down and over to them.

Nothing satisfies a mother/parent more than knowing that they’ve efficiently equipped their children to handle the ways of this world!

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Feet, Ankles, Parenting

I smile to keep from crying

I pray to keep from making the same mistakes twice

Parenting is not as easy I imagined it would be

before I was a parent

Grateful that I have another chance to come closer to getting it right

It’s looking very promising!

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Me Reincarnated!

Fututre author, eh?

Writing and Scratch-offs? Yep! She’s my clone alright!

Proud momma moments!

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School’s Soon to be Over

The school year will be over for “the bigs” come Thursday after next, and they couldn’t be any happier. They’re both planning late sleep-ins, lots of TV watching, hanging out and relaxing. They have proclaimed that this is gonna be the best summer ever!

My interpretation of summer vacation: being flanked by 4 kids, 24 hours a day for the next 12 weeks!

Woo Hoo!

Is it too early to start counting day to the first day of school?

What are your family’s summer vacation plans?



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The 20 Month Old Check-Up

Yesterday Baby Zayah met her 20th month of being in this world.

Today we went for a check-up to mark the occasion.

Zayah gained 3 pounds since the last visit (at 18 months) YAAAAAY!

After she was given two shots, I was instructed to give her Miralax and a Fleet Baby Enema for the EXTREME constipation. Huh?

Then I was ordered to return in one week to check how well she’s passing her bowels (which should be at least once a day, by the way)

Needless to say, my day was filled with going to the doctor’s office, sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, then sitting in the examining room of the doctor’s office, sitting and waiting some more in the examination room of the doctor’s office, seeing the doctor, being given very strict orders to follow by the doctor, going on a run to the pharmacy to pick of the necessary prescriptions to carry out the strict orders, inserting a suppository in my baby’s rectum, then cleaning up all the aftermath as a result of the enema…….

it’s safe to say that turning 20 months has by far been our worse milestone!

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….And on Mother’s Day

We had a ball

Even it was my very first day away from my old home

and most importantly,

my first Mother’s Day away from my own mother.

Those around me

smothered me with so much fun

and good times

that it took my mind off of being away


back to feeling a little home sicky

so now I’ll just pack away my memories from today

along with the beautiful cards that my kiddies made

For the last time

Happy Mother’s Day to all 2012


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Another Case of Envy

For a person whose never had a jealous or envious bone in her body, I’m sure getting swamped with a lot of ’em nowadays, huh? Well, here goes:

I’ll be the first to say that I’m rather envious of all my family members and friends (all of which are single mothers….just really realized that! Hmm) who are becoming empty-nesters or who are at least getting some of their children “out-of-the-way”. Now there! I said it…. well, typed it!

I am so longing to have just a little teeny tiny wee bit of  the freedom and life that they’re about to have.

Only to come and go as I please, without having to check that everyone is buckled snuggly in the backseat. No lugging of diaper bags, strollers and extra changes of clothes. No booster and car seats. Only me. I could play my music as loudly as I want to, without a tiny hand tapping me on the shoulder to ask me a question that only a little person would ask.  I could downsize from my massive SUV to a cute little foreign…..well maybe not foreign…..but a fancy smancy AMERICAN convertible sports car. OMG! Here’s the biggie: there’d be no more loose french fries dropped under or between the cracks of  the seats! No more  wrappers, clothes, shoes or trash sprawled all over my back seats. The carpet wouldn’t be trampled upon and the seats would bear no accidental pencil markings. Oh! That’ll be the life!

I yearn to stay hidden underneath my covers past the rising of the sun, Monday through Friday. I can’t wait to not think about school lunches and afterschool activities.  No children needs before my own. No real responsibility, but myself.


Well, I have a super-duper long way to go before I’m an empty nester, seeing that my youngest child has yet to reach the age of two. But, I can see the horizon because I have just three years before my oldest moves on to a life beyond his high school years, then immediately after him, child number two will yield to the same fate. Though I’ll remain active in my children’s life, as long as there’s life in this body of mines, I just won’t have to be so hands-on and it won’t consume all of me!

I’ll be able to have an identity yet again. I’ll be able to make choices solely based on what I want and I won’t have any reason to feel guilty!

But until that time comes, I’ll continue to fulfill the roles that I’ve obligated myself to while living vicariously through the eyes of all the empty-nesters surrounding me!

Good night, Dei-Dei….night Ma!

Night Mai-Mai….

Night Patty….

Night Zay-Girl!



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There Goes the Last of My Privacy!

Baby Zay has mastered opening the bathroom and bedroom doors!

You know what this means? LOCKED DOORS!


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