Category Archives: blogging

Shock and Awe: Pregnant Teen Sues Parents

Every since last week, I’ve been going OFF about this pregnant 16-year-old who had the audacity to sue her parents.
So is that what they’re doing now? Teens are rewarding their parents by bringing lawsuits against them, eh?
In case you haven’t heard about this foolery, let me give you some background in what I’ll be ranting and raving about.
Parents of the pregnant teen were unhappy to learn that she was with child and so, they were pressuring her to have an abortion. parents and teen girl They supposedly issued threats (that her life was going to be ruined; she was flushing her future down the drain; she wasn’t going to amount to nothing; they were going to make her life miserable, etc) in hopes of steering her to abort the fetus.
Turns out her parents were indeed making her life a living hell. Plus they must have taken away the vehicle that they purchased for her.
This child got the bright idea to solicit the help of some group (obviously pro-lifers) to support and represent her in suing her parents.
To shorten the story, she won the case against her parents. They couldn’t force her to have an abortion (which we all already know. No clinic would ever perform an abortion on an unwilling patient) the parents can no longer go around making her life a living hell or uncomfortable. The parents agreed to let her use the car that they purchased, in order for her to get back-and-forth to school and work. She will be allowed to marry her 16-year-old boyfriend. The parents will also pay her cell phone bill and half of her health insurance.
This is what our country has boiled down to. Teens are being rewarded for their bad decisions and choices, while the parents are being punished. What responsibility are these two irresponsible “children” being taught when they’re being rewarded the “gifts” they seek in a court of law?
I agree. No one should be threatened with physical force when it comes to an unexpected pregnancy, but why would the parents have to be responsible for half of her medical expenses? Why do they have to allow her to enjoy the privilege of driving around in a car that they purchased? Why on God’s green earth do they have pay for her to have the luxury of a cell phone?
I’ve always been under the assumption that grown people take care of themselves. Grown folks don’t “need: anyone to pay their cell phone bills; they don’t “need” to use the car they someone else bought; they don’t “need” some to pay for half their medical expenses.
The mere fact that this child “needs” her parents for these minute things is a testament that she doesn’t “need” a child because she can’t even take care of the basic things that she needs (wants) to survive.
If she and her boyfriend want to make grown-up decisions, then why wouldn’t they be ordered to endure the grown-up consequences?

All-in-all there was definitely a better way for this unfortunate situation to be handled, besides this child dragging her parents to court.
If you found yourself in this situation what would your reaction be? How would you handle such a court ruling?

Had it been me:

Chances are extremely high that I’d be held in contempt of court and ordered to jail for an extensive amount of time.
First, I would have taken my SUV and ran over the car that I was told to let her drive. I would have driven back and forth over the heap of rubble until it was obliterated! While in the midst destroying that vehicle I would have called the insurance company to cancelled my coverage before calling the cell phone company and breaking whatever contract I had remaining on the account.
The nerve of that child, the judicial system and whatever idiots represented her in court!
I know my reaction would be extreme, but I’m an extreme kind of gal. I firmly believe that when there are no consequences, these are the messes that you end up with!

Food for thought:

Did it not cross anyone’s mind that maybe it was the privilege of having access to a car and the luxury of a cell that got her into her pregnancy fiasco to begin with? Hmm.

She has all of these people in her corner now, but where will they be once this child is born? What help will they (especially the little loud mouth 16-year-old boy who helped to get her in this mess) provide when it’s 2-years-old? 5-years-old? 13-years-old? Matter of fact, where will any of them be when this child winds up pregnant (or has someone pregnant) at 16?
We all know how this fairy tale will end.
I’m so certain that it’ll end with a big fat, “I told you so!”

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Filed under blogging, children, Family, Motherhood, Mothering, Parenting, Raising Teenagers, Uncategorized

Wordless Wednesday: Bottles of Water

Bottle 1

Bottle of water on the island, half full!

Bottle of (hall-full) water intermixed with toys!

Bottle of (hall-full) water intermixed with toys!

Bottle of water under the couch!

Bottle of water under the couch!

The list and pics of  half utilized bottles of water lurking about our home can go on and on and on.
By the way, whenever I ask any of the three children, “Whose water is this?” I consistently get the answer, “Not mines!”
I have vowed, NOT to buy anymore bottles of water. Not only will water bottles NOT litter the apartment any longer, but I’ll also do my part in preserving mother earth!
Done deal!

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

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Why is Blogging so hard?

Like so many others, I’ve been trying to break into the world of blogging. And like so many of those before me, I’ve been having my butt handed back to me, after it’s been severely kicked.
It’s been more years than I care to reveal, in which I’ve been trying to make a meaningful impact in the blogging universe. Need I say, that I’ve been met by a great resistance?
I’ve called it quit several times, but after a short hiatus I find myself back at it again. Something inside of me just won’t let it go. I guess, unconsciously, I’m determined to succeed and conqueror what I set out to do, so long ago.
For the last couple of months, I’ve been concocting  a foolproof attack plan, as it pertains to my blogging efforts.
I’ve been soliciting advice, reading countless bloggers success stories, pinning (and actually going to the sites) and reading every single link that I come across on Pinterest.
I’ve learned about linking up, hosting giveaways, having Twitter parties, creating strong SEO, supporting other blogs and marketing my own blog. I’m still trying to figure out how to start reviewing products (fingers crossed). I’ve decided on who will host my new and improved website. I’ve even laid out how I want my new website to be designed (now I just have to find a blog designer). But, my biggest weapon has got to be my blog binder!
I hadn’t a clue as to what a blog binder was. Matter of fact, I never knew such a thing even existed! After visiting several blogs and realizing that a blog binder is an essential item to running a kick-butt blog, I jumped on the bandwagon and created one.
Originally, I pieced one together. I was happy with it. It was simple. It would get me off to a good start. It would do!
Just when I was gushing over my little creation, I ran across this wonderful pin about blogging on Pinterest.
After going through the extensive lists of printable blog planners, from various bloggers, I decided to scrap mines and go with one from the list.
I’m glad that I did. Only because  now, I feel well prepared. I don’t feel like this planner is missing anything. Every single detail has been covered and now the rest is up to me!
So what is a blog binder?
A blog binder is a blogger’s best friend. A blog binder keeps the blogger organized and on task! It houses everything necessary to run an efficient blog: a yearly planning calendar, daily duties and to do lists. There’s a section to jot down notes. There’s a social media checklist, SEO ranking. There’s a place to keep track of reviews and giveaways. There’s a section for your future blog ideas and a whole slew of other things. All the great bloggers advise they you create one for yourself.
To follow are a few pics of my binder!

monthly calendar

Blank monthly calendar with note section at the bottom.

weekly calendar

Weekly calendar with to do space at the bottom.

I placed all of my pages in protective covers and I separated each section with dividers.


I also placed some empty protective covers in the back to hold pics, business cards, etc. As my children will now have voice on my blog, I inserted several more blanks calendars in the back for them to use. I prefer they have their own calendar to write on versus using mines!

I’m super excited and can’t wait to put all of my newfound knowledge to work. Wish me luck!

Here’s the link from which I downloaded my blog planner:
You can find the extensive list of blogger planners here: bloggingwithsimplystacie

or on my Blogging Pinterest board!


Filed under blogging, Family, mommy blogger, Motherhood, Uncategorized

Open Letter to the NRA

Dear NRA Leaders,

Hello! My name is Mariann and I am the mother of four children, whom I LOVE more than anything. My love for them is what brings me to write this letter.
Midway through the year of 2011, I packed my four children up and moved across the country. I left behind my parents, my sibling, nieces, nephews, aunts, cousins, friends and neighbors, many of whom I’ve known for the last thirty years of my life.

Our drive down to Texas!

Our drive down to Texas!

Mainly, I did this because I wanted save my teenage son. You see, Detroit has become the belly of the beast, as it pertains to crime and violence. Crime has soared beyond the perimeter of the clouds and gun violence is amongst the highest in the nation. The homicide rate for black males is astronomical.
As I already stated, I love my teenage son. He’s my firstborn and I didn’t want to lose him to a bullet. So it was best for me to relocate somewhere completely foreign to us. Even if it meant leaving behind everything and everyone with which I was familiar.
When we’d safely moved away I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. I was amazed that we’d successfully escaped. We’d escaped the vicious threat of unnecessary, untimely, senseless violence and/or a tragic death,  which would’ve  likely brought itself, unsolicited, to my front doorstep. Just as it had to so many of my fellow Detroit parents, attempting to raise their children within city limits.
I can’t help but feel that the life of a black teenage boy isn’t respected. Not by his peers, not by the law, not the gun lobbyist, the NRA, Washington and especially not by the urban law enforcement; seeing that no one has ever taken any measures to curtail the threat to their existence.
I called myself moving from that lack-a-daisy inner city attitude (as it pertained to my son) and into an area where he’d have a better chance at surviving his childhood and teenage years.
In my mind, the suburbs had to be better than the urban cement jungle. Right?
Well, I was partially right.
This last year and a half, I got the best sleep ever.  I haven’t slept so soundly, since becoming a mother nearly sixteen years ago. I was able to sleep comfortably because my child, my children were safe.  Not only were they safe, but they were also free.
No longer was I hesitant to let them walk to the neighborhood store. Now they could go outside and play, as children ought to be, without the constant threat of gunshots ringing out!
For the first time, in a really long time, I’ve been able to let my mommy guard down, rest and exist in peace.
Now what I’d like you to do is imagine how pissed I was when that peace was unexpectedly  interrupted and that protective mommy guard had to go back up!
July 2012 is when that maniac walked into that Colorado movie theater, in suburban Aurora, and opened fire on audience members waiting to view a movie.
Imagine the terror that infringed upon my person when I learned of that tragedy. Especially since my teens are at the movie theatre every free chance that they get.
With that horrific incident I was back in full mommy protection mode.
But wait Mr. NRA leader and other NRA people. It gets even worse! Just when enough time had passed, I started thinking, “that was an isolated incident, not likely that it’ll happen again.”
I, along with the rest of the nation, receive another punch in the gut, this pass December.
It goes without saying, our schools are suppose to be one of the safest places for our children, next to our own homes. It’s suppose to be that lone place, outside of home, where you can let your guard down and know without a shadow of a doubt, that your child is protected.
Never once did any of those Newtown parents think that they were sending their children into the direct line of fire. Never did it cross any of their minds that, “Today! A mad gunman could shoot his way into my child’s school and commit a heinous crime against them!” Never once did any one of them consent to sending their beautiful and innocent children onto a battlefield that December morning.
Those are NOT the thoughts that we, as parents,  have when we send our babies off to school! It’s not what we think about when we purchase tickets to watch a movie or when we pull into the parking lot of the local mall to go shopping.
When did going on about our daily lives, begin to mean that a little bit of deadly gun violence can be inserted in there, at any moment? When did our beautiful nation become an open battlefield? When did the American people become moving targets?

As that mother of four who fled to a suburban Texas city to flee the inner city gun violence, in order to save my oldest son, I want you to know I’m back to being filled with constant worry. My thoughts, days and nights are back to being consumed with being their protector.
Understand this, not only am I back to being concerned for the safety of my teenage son, but now I’m just as concerned for the safety of his siblings! I’m concerned times four now. Way more than before!

The open and constant threat of gun violence is no longer reserved primarily for the young black males that roam through the inner city. It has broken rank and has penetrated the beautiful folds of suburbia.
It has presented itself in the workplace, shopping centers, college campuses, high school campuses, and sadly elementary school campuses. So yes! I’m back. I’m back to worrying each and every single time I or my four children leave the safety of our home.
It’s clear that gun violence will rear its ugly head whenever and wherever. Gun violence is no longer reserved for certain areas, times, days or people. The threat is constant for everyone and can present itself anywhere and at anytime!
NRA Leaders, this doesn’t have to be. The American people don’t have to live under the constant threat of gun violence. The American people shouldn’t have to live in fear. They shouldn’t have to wonder nor anticipate when and where the next shocking and tragic act of gun violence will occur. Why does this have to be America’s new normal?
It’s no secret that the current president and his administration are not friends of yours. But if only, for the sake of the American people and being an American and loving this nation, as you so loudly proclaim, can the common sense measures that everyone agrees upon be taken? Can we agree to implement those laws? Can those be the first steps taken?
Mothers and fathers, such as myself, would like nothing more than to get back to our old normal?
For the sake of our children and our sanity, shed the labels and erase the party lines. Let’s stop the finger-pointing and find solutions. Let’s get back using common sense. Let’s get back to the times where people meant more than the right to possess guns. Let’s get back to being caring Americans. More importantly, let’s get back to being human.

I want to successfully usher each of my children into adulthood. I want to experience high school and college graduations. I want to witness the big weddings. I want to see my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren! Those are the things that I, and a whole lot of other parents want. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for.
We just want to live.
We want to get back to the way things use to be.



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Where the hell I’ve been all year!

My intentions were to increase the number of blog post that I make every week in 20-13. I thought I’d start this new way of blogging on the first day  of the New Year, but turns out that wasn’t the case.
To my surprise I wasn’t mentally ready to write each and every day, like I thought I was.
What I found out was, I needed to think.
I needed to seriously sit down and think. I needed to reflect on what was going on in my life and all of the thoughts swirling around in my head.
Like most people, seems I have plenty going on. Most of which will make pretty interesting blog posts and discussions.
So, I’m finally organized (which turns out, is KEY!) and I’ve set an agenda for my blogging, as well as for my other writings.

Up first: open letters. Since “open letters” are all the rage, I might as well share a few of mines. I have some penned to my daughters, my sons, the deadbeat dads, my own fabulous mom and dad, fake friends…..just to name a few. This oughta be real interesting, eh?
I’m really looking forward to sharing my undefined, variety filled blog with all of you this year…..and  for many more years to come!


Writing Blog hand1



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Farewell 2012, its been swell

I did a mental recap of my 2012 and I’ve concluded that my good definitely outweighed my bad. That probably sounds so cliché, but it’s my truth.
I’d actually made myself say a verbal thank you (aloud) for every recollected instance or situation that I’d placed in my “good” column. Close to three hours had passed before I started nearing the end of my good list.
By that time, tears were streaming down my face.  I realized then that I didn’t even have close to enough thank you’s in me to match all of the good that I’d (along with my children) experienced over the course of 2012.
Of course, some unfavorable and not-so-good things happened during the course of the year, but they were so far few and in-between. In no way did they account for much, when I matched them up against everything that I’ve been blessed with.
But instead of focusing on those unfavorable things, I chose (and am continuing to choose) to reflect and energize all of the good positive things. That’s what I want more of!
My life is really good.  I didn’t have a clue of how good it actually was until I challenged myself, the other day, to recollect as much of my good as I could.
Each of our lives are good.
I challenge you to reflect on all of the good that has happened on your behalf and say a few thank you’s. Just watch how innumerable they are! Bet you’ll be amazed, too!

2012 Closing

To all of my loyal, returning, new and 1st-time readers: Thanks for all of your support. I appreciate each of you more than you’ll ever know! I look forward to sharing more of my family’s stories and life happenings with you in the upcoming year. My intentions are to be more consistent as a writer, storyteller and as a reader. So, here’s to us! May our 2013 be filled with abundance, lots of great stories, happiness, meeting of goals, success and PEACE!
Oh 2012! Here is where I bid thee a sweet farewell…’s been swell!

From my family

the littlest gal

The Littlest Gal!
(One half of the Little’s)

Day in the Park 020

The Littlest Boy
(Remaining half of the Little’s)

photo (4)

The Biggest Gal
(One half of the Big’s)

boy with an earring 2

The Biggest Boy
(Remaining half of the Big’s)


It’s Me!
The Momma!


to yours!

Have an extremely

Happy New Year!

See you all in 2013


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Numbers Trumps Feelings Part II

So after being rejected for entrance into third grade for the 2011-2012 school year, I withdrew my son and decided to utilize Connections Academy curriculum to home school him.
Well, after a few weeks, I decided that Connections Academy was too structured and fast-paced for my liking. We withdrew from the program and opted to use our own curriculum, based on Texas educational standards. Our main focus were going to be  on reading, math, penmanship and the Texas State Start Test.
Monday through Friday,  the Littlest Boy and I worked diligently and hard to succeed in our quest to prove all of those teachers and administrators wrong. We were so motivated. All school year we worked extraordinarily hard.
Over the summer, we continued to study and read daily. By the time enrollment came around, for the 2012-2013 school year, we’d successfully completed all of the third grade curriculum and had even gone so far as to begin working on a fourth grade curriculum.
I proudly went back to the school and enrolled the Littlest Boy in fourth grade on a Monday. I was so eager to show him off, all of his work and what he’d accomplished. I could hardly contain my excitement as I filled out the enrollment forms.
I successfully enrolled him for fourth grade and we were scheduled to meet the fourth grade teacher on Wednesday, during “Meet the Teacher” night.
Well, Tuesday I received a phone call from the school’s principal. She called to tell me that she wanted to place my son in third grade, for the upcoming school year, instead of fourth grade.
Her words: “I know he’s age appropriate for fourth grade, but I think third grade is where he’ll be most successful. And, his being successful is my first priority.”
There is where I cut her off, explained some things to her and said that a face-to-face meeting was necessary.
We didn’t get to meet the teacher on Wednesday because they didn’t assign my son a teacher, plus my meeting wasn’t scheduled until Thursday. Do I have to say that the boy was pretty bummed?
At the meeting I was met only by the principal and the assistant principal this time. They tried to bombard me with statements such as: We want him to be successful. His success is our top priority. It’s in his best interest. We can observe him for a week and if he’s exceeding in every ares of the third grade classroom, then we’ll move him to the fourth grade class, yada yada yada!
My question was: Is this the protocol for all homeschooled students who are returning to the traditional school setting?
Their corroborated answer: Well, we’re basing our recommendation on the same recommendation that we reached last year, before you withdrew him.
Me: Well, why aren’t recommending that he goes back to second grade, since that was your last recommendation?
Them: No answer. (Literally, they had no response. Neither of them.)
Me: So it doesn’t matter that I used a State of Texas third and fourth grade curriculum to home school him?
Principal: Unless you kept grades in a grade book, then we’d consider that. Or if you have report cards.
Me: Well, what about  all of this school work that I have here, that he did! Can you test him?
Principal: He’ll have to score 90% or better in every test area, to be placed in his correct grade. It’s pretty rigorous.
Me: Sounds like it’s next to impossible for him or any child to pass.
In the end, I walked out of that school without having accomplished anything.  If ever I felt prejudged in my life, it was in this situation. From the moment I handed those administrators my son’s records from “Detroit, MI” until I walked out the front door for the absolute last time.
They didn’t even give my child a chance. They judged him (misjudged him, if I may add) no sooner than they learned that we were from Detroit. I felt bad for my son. He’d worked so hard and they would never know how awesome he is and how much he’d accomplished educationwise because they’d already had their small minds made up about him.

After speaking to several teachers in Katy ISD they concurred what I’d suspected the previous school year: Eff your feelings! Our test scores mean way more than you and your child’s feelings. Eff that you two worked hard all school year. Eff that you tested him and he tested above grade level. Eff all that! We take the Star test in November and we’re not about to chance effing up our scores, all because you decided to drag your little Detroit half-educated child down here to our magnificent school!

They weren’t interested in none of his school work that I’d bought to the meeting. They didn’t care to hear him read, witness his ability to comprehend what he’d read, they didn’t want to see him write, or care that he knew his multiplication facts, fractions, how to tell time, count money, place values or read a number line.
None of that mattered.
State and district test scores are all that matter!

Three months into the school year and I’m ecstatic with the progress that my little homeschooler is making. He was disappointed that he wasn’t going to attend school with his peers, but he’s since gotten over it. He’d rather stay home and do school than to do third grade work again.
I considered going to the PTA and the district Superintendent about this matter, but after speaking to several teachers and parents I knew my efforts would be in vain. I wouldn’t be exposing any dirty little secrets. I wouldn’t be blowing the whistle on anything that the district wasn’t already aware of.
So what would be my next course of action? How about exposing them to the very passionate and extremely opinionated world of blogging moms, dads, cousins, uncles, aunties, grandparents, etc.?
I’m eager to see their reaction to being bombarded!

The Littlest Boy reading. Reading slightly above grade level! Take that, West Memorial Elementary!



Filed under blogging, children, Education, Motherhood, Parenting, Uncategorized

Banned: My Beef With Microsoft and XBOX

2 of the 4 systems that I’ve purchased!

Last year I fell completely out of love with Microsoft because of the unfair and unexplained banning of my family’s Xbox 360. After our long haul to Texas and after hours of vigorously unpacking, my children were looking forward to jumping on their XBox Live accounts to talk to and play with their friends back home.

Imagine the surprise when they tried to log on to the LIVE accounts, only to find out that they couldn’t.  Reason why?  The system had been BANNED, and it’d been banned for life!

What? Huh?

Banned? What do you mean banned? Banned by who, for what and when?

I would soon learn, although  I have a million questions, not one of them will get answered  because they (meaning Microsoft and the terrible folks over at XBox) don’t have to. (SHOCKED FACE)

Moving forward with the story.

So after my Biggest Boy explains that the system has been banned (per the horrific people at XBox) I decided to call for myself. I figured that a  mistake occurred (on their part) and it would only take a few moments for an adult to get it corrected.

Upon speaking with a rep, I was told the same thing as my son. The system, which I’d recently spent over $400 bucks to purchase, had indeed been banned. When I asked why and when did this banning occur, I was informed that they’re not at liberty to give me ANY information. The rep claimed that the banning is done by another department and banning only occurs after a thorough investigation has been completed. I was assured that my system hadn’t been banned mistakenly.

Needless to say, I wasn’t satisfied with that answer and asked to speak with a supervisor. Well, the supervisor got on the line and basically said the same thing, so I requested to speak with his superior.

After days of being transferred  back and forth, and speaking with a number of useless people, I was no closer to getting the system “unbanned” or finding out why a banned occurred in the first place.

I stated my case to every single person that I’d spoken with. I, nor my children, had altered our system in any type of way. None of us (nor had any of our guests who bought their profiles over) violated any of the XBox LIVE rules (especially seeing that the system had been packed away for several weeks for our relocating) and the ban was unjustified. No one attempted to sympathize with at all, they all firmly maintained their positions and the position of XBox.

I feel like Microsoft/XBox has a hidden agenda for cleverly banning thousands and thousands of systems (I soon found out that we were not an isolated case). When your system is banned, its banned for life. Which means, any and every warranty that you have on it is voided. They will NOT service it any longer. Oh! But wait for it! You can still purchase expansions packs, Microsoft points, download games. They’ll still send advertisements to your e-mail account to make purchases. Oh yeah! And, they’ll still charge your credit card for XBox LIVE memberships. Basically, they back out of their end of the deal (unjustly) while continuing to take your money because that?  That they won’t ban!

I did ask for a refund for the XBox LIVE family memberships that I’d paid for (and still had 6 more months on). Of course, I was told, “Nope! We don’t issue refunds. Hey! But, you can use your LIVE membership on someone elses XBox system!”

Oh really? That’s all I got to do, huh? Take my four paid-in-full profiles over to a buddy’s of mines house and use them on their system?

Remind you! They haven’t told me “why” my system is banned. It could be because they’re claiming that we did something online which violates the XBox LIVE rules. YET! They advise me to utilize someone elses system. Why is that XBox LIVE people? Is it because you’d like nothing more than to unjustly ban another persons system?

To make this long story short.  I explained to every hearing ear, that I’ve been a long time and loyal customer of XBox and its products. In fact, I’ve purchased four systems, countless games, headsets, extra and special controllers, Microsoft points, expansion packs, steering wheels, carrying cases, downloads and tons of other gadgets that my children just had to have. But, no more! All of that has now come to an abrupt end. My children also have the competing system and I will now give my hard-earned dollars to them!

I’m aware that taking my dollars from Microsoft and their XBox company will not send them spiraling into bankruptcy, but word of mouth is a very powerful tool! I believe it’s the next best thing to giving my money to the direct competition! I explained this to the clever reps at XBox LIVE. I told them that I am a blogger and an avid social media engager. I will create a blog post about this entire situation, as well as Tweet and make Facebook status updates regarding it. Word of mouth can have a devastating, lasting and forever lingering impact. It has a tendency to do way more damage than a couple thousand dollars.

Since the folks at Microsoft’s XBox LIVE feel like customer satisfaction is no big deal, I don’t feel like it’s a big deal to tell how horrific my experience with them has been. I am hoping to get them to change their wicked customer service/satisfaction poilcy and also change the way that they handle wrongly banning their customers XBox systems!

Deep down I’m hoping that Microsoft’s XBox can make me fall back in love, again!

Have you had an encounter with Microsoft XBox? Has your system been unjustly banned? What’s your beef? I’d love to hear all about it.

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One Year Ago….

….the four little’s, Dooney the dog,  and I arrived, for the very first time, to our new home and the state of Texas!


It’s hard to believe that an entire three hundred and sixty-five days have already passed since we transitioned our lives from Michigan and away from everyone that we knew. It was and remains one of the hardest (and necessary) decisions of my life…..our lives.

Admittedly, relocating wasn’t as easy as it may come across. I had to deal with the school district wanting to place my littlest son back a grade level, my oldest boy experienced extreme culture and identity shock, while being in the midst of adolescence. My biggest gal was jockeying for her position in our family unit (which has been a huge headache), all this I endured daily, while chasing a 1-year-old toddler around from sun up to sun back down. Those are just the issues that I had to deal with concerning my children. I won’t even get into my own “grown-up adult” struggles. But, whatever the case, we made it! Happily and with a smile adorning my face, I can declare that we have, indeed, made it!

We have accomplished another one of the many goals that we’ve set for ourselves as a family, and it feels so good! Initially, we struggled to find our “Texas” footing, but we have managed to get on track. Everyone is happy and we have set lots of new goals for ourselves.

I definitely wanted to express how proud I am of us and thank everyone who has traveled this journey alongside us. My family back home, thanks for supporting my decision and us, as we transitioned. Thanks to everyone who rooted, pulled and prayed for us. Most importantly, thank you for tuning in to read, support, give advice and express your opinions on my blog posts.

I look forward to moving ahead with everyone continuing alongside us! Lots more adventures to come!

Us making our way to the Great State of TEXAS!

Us again! Really just getting started out on the road!




Filed under blogging, children, Family, Life, Motherhood, Mothering, Parenting, Uncategorized

Our Children and the HPV Vaccine

Guarding Against HPV Is A Very Big Deal For Our Daughters And Our Sons!

image photo : Couple shadow

In June 2006, the FDA approved the first HPV vaccine for girls and women. The human papillomavirus, widely known as HPV is the virus that’s associated with causing cervical cancer. It most commonly affects the genital area of males and females, in the form of warts, but it can also affect the mouth and throat areas, as well.  HPV is passed through sexual intercourse and is therefore classified as a sexual transmitted infection (STI). HPV is the most common STI in the United States. According to the CDC, at least 50% of sexual active people will contract HPV at some time in their life. HPV transmission and contraction was teetering on becoming an epidemic! The CDC wanted to cut this borderline epidemic off at the source, which is why the FDA approved a vaccination against HPV for boys and men, in 2009.

Due to the alarming statistical rates of HPV contraction, many women’s groups immediately became advocates for the vaccinations. They began pressing hard for the series of vaccinations to become mandatory and they fought to have it added to the list of required vaccines for children.  These groups believed that by making the HPV vaccine mandatory, the cancer causing virus would become isolated, cervical cancer rates will decline, thus saving a lot of lives. According to the National Cervical Cancer Coalition, more than 13,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, and 4,000 of those women will die as a result of the disease.

Need I say, I am a proponent of the HPV vaccine. I am also a proponent of completing the entire HPV vaccine process (it’s given in three parts). Studies are finding that more parents are having their children vaccinated for HPV, but they aren’t always completing the 3-part series. Completing the entire series of vaccines ensures full protection from the virus. Missing any part of the vaccine leaves the individual vulnerable to contracting the virus, which causes so many unnecessary cancers.

image photo : Vaccination

My soon-to-be 14-year-old daughter completed the entire series last Fall, while my son 15-year-old son is just on his first dose of the vaccine. When I learned that there was a vaccine entering the market, which would protect my daughters from developing cervical cancer, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that they were getting it. Being armed with that type of protection is priceless in my mind! To know that none of my children will ever have to be concerned with contracting HPV, and neither of my daughters will ever have to worry about the threat of cervical cancer allows me to breathe a bit easier.

Be certain to give your children the gift of forever being HPV and/or cervical cancer FREE! Contact your pediatrician today before it’s too late!



Filed under blogging, children, Family, mommy blogger, Motherhood, Parenting, Raising Teenagers, Uncategorized